Thunder Scientific Corporation has been the world’s leading humidity instrument manufacturer i.e. Most Precise Humidity Generator and Automated Low Humidity Generation System based on NIST “Two-Pressure” Principal for over 55 years. They continually introduce new products to help customers handle their humidity needs. Whether in a metrology lab or in challenging industrial environments, Thunder will continue to provide humidity instruments for years to come.
From hygrometer calibration equipment and software, to calibration of moisture analyzers, their products have always been traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through a national metrology institute (NIST) recognized through a CIPM MRA. In 2003, Thunder obtained NVLAP accreditation.
A privately-held company, Thunder has been headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, since its founding in 1966 by Paul Bennewitz.
Thunder current manufacturing and calibration facility is located adjacent to Kirtland Air Force Base and Sandia National Laboratories.